At first glance, our impression of Christian Forget is conditioned by his appearance: that of a man who is old and abnormal, whose pallid complexion and atypical body gestures and facial expressions are caused by a genetic condition that also affects his vision. Previously appearing as a staged body in earlier works by Matthieu Brouillard, Christian is here engaged in a project which is intimate to him and also improbable: flight. The photographic and video works portray him carrying out the necessary steps to go beyond his fantasy and give form to his vision. Diverting our instinctual curiosity about the anomalous, the work directs our attention to what a priori cannot be seen if not shown through actions a force at work in the pursuit of an ambition.

Matthieu Brouillard wishes to thank Christian Forget, Bruce Gowett, Bertrand Bacqué, Johanne Bergeron, Tunje Berns, Luc Bourdon, Sylvain Cousinet, Donigan Cumming, Alex Delagrave, Alexandre Domingue (Post-Moderne), Raphaël Frauenfelder, David Gagnon, Michel Giroux, Pierre Goupil, Marie-Christine Guité, Badra Haidra, Adrien Kessler, Yvon Larocque, Sylvain L’Espérance, Fabrice Monta, Jean Perret, Vincent Renou, Christine Ross, Gaétan Soucy, Reto Stamm, Corina Steiner, Jean-Pierre Vidal, Roland Vignat, Simon Weber.

PROJECTION thursday 3 november, in conjunction withe the exhibition and in collaboration with Antitube.


Born in Montréal in 1976, Matthieu Brouillard studied visual and media arts at the Université du Québec à Montréal, where he completed his doctorate in 2013. His visual work and writing have been widely published and exhibited, and he has been a lecturer and invited researcher at several universities and art schools, including the University of Zürich, the University of Bern, Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, and the Cinéma/Cinéma du réel department at the Geneva University of Art and Design. Brouillard has published three books: Narragonie (J’ai VU, 2007), Darkness Implacable (Sagamie, 2013) and Coming through the Fog (Sagamie, 2012).

21 October 2016 17:00 - 21:00