VU considers the book a space for creation, a way of materializing images and ideas, an object for thought. When dedicated to photography, the book can take unlimited forms—from autobiography to fantasy, from travelogue to history book, from the artist’s manifesto to the political pamphlet. In the book, photographs can be read and have a voice in a space that belongs to them.

Turning their back on the conventional formats of the catalogue or monograph, with the book as object artists invent new possible forms for the realization of their photographic projects. They explore the book through concepts, sequences, or narrative modes as much as through the materiality of paper, ink, and binding. The book offers a tactile connection with the artwork, which also becomes nomadic, finding itself passing through numerous hands in different places. Through the book, the artwork lives through time, assured of longevity in the world of those who make a place for it, in private collections as much as libraries and other public collections.

VU’s publishing program encourages artists to develop their practices through the exploration of this medium so well suited to photography. With its publications, VU affirms its vision of the book as a space dedicated to images and to the stories, issues, and poetic worlds communicated by artists. Moreover, the book is reflected upon in different ways, through exhibitions, workshops, roundtables, and master classes dedicated to this medium. VU also supports research and creation of books with residencies, with our annual book dummy workshop Assemblages, and by supporting artists with grants.


It is in this context that we at VU are launching our annual call for book proposals, with the goal of supporting publishing projects within the fine arts photo community. Proposals are solicited for the publishing program, the book mockup workshop Assemblages and grants for artists. This call is open to artists from across Québec who are interested in the book form as a creative form. Proposed projects should have photography as their primary focus, and be previously unpublished.

We are also inviting artists to submit their recently published books for acquisition by the VU book collection.



Your proposal must include:

– a letter of intent or a project description (one page in length)
– visual documentation of your project, format is open: a pdf, a drawing, a collage, a mock-up, etc.
– physical mock-ups / maquettes are encouraged but not mandatory
– an artist’s statement and CV
– The cost of the book (only required for the collection facet)


To send us your proposal:

You can send your files via the online form




VU publishing program

VU assists one artist in the fulfillment of their book project, complete with publication and distribution by Éditions VU.

This assistance includes:
o artistic support and editorial development
o help with production tracking (graphic design and printing)
o one week residency (500$ honorarium, five days of accommodation in Quebec City, 110$ for transportation costs, 150$ printing credit)
o copyright of 2200$
o production assistance of 1500$
o support in finding complementary funding
o promotion and distribution

o the book must mainly be photographic
o the book must be produced in close collaboration with VU
o the book must be completed over a period of approximately one year
o the book’s main language must be french
o there must be at least 100 printed copies of the book (min. 40 copies for VU and 40 copies for distribution)
o The artist must live in the province of Quebec




Assemblages is a yearly photography book mock-up workshop at VU. Two artists share a physical and temporal space to explore different processes of writing and relationality through image. Their individual research will unfold around the table and on the walls, and the shared space will allow them to talk about their work process. Assemblages is a way to reflect on what helps artists enter into exchange, and how photographs also talk to and seep into each other, allowing their own unique voices to emerge.

o a three-week residency for the creation or development of your book layout
o a space to be shared with one other artist
o professional development (training, master class, etc.)
o $250 printing credit
o $1500 residency honorarium
o accommodation in Quebec City during workshop
o $110 for transportation costs


Editing grant

The editing grant offers artistic, technical, logistic and financial support for artists in order to create their own photo book.

This includes:
o a one-week residency for the creation of a new book layout, including creative and technical support for artist’s project
o a meeting to accompany the artist in approaching the artistic, technical and logistic facets of book making (concept, object, fabrication, design, publishing, distribution…)
o $500 grant
o $150 printing credit
o five days of accommodation in Quebec City
o $110 for transportation costs


Photographic book collection

The purchasing of québécois books published in the last two years upon a presented proposal on the artist’s end, and in compliance with the acquisition policy of the collection.
The proposals can only be sent by pdf.


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